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Current Caseload - 2-24-2023

1. Sierra Club, ELPC, PRN, CARE v. Midwest Generation PCB 2013-015 - I represent Environmental Law and Policy Center in a case to get MWG to clean up coal combustion waste

2. People v. 401 N. Wabash Venture LLC (18CH10229) -I represent plaintiff-intervenors Friends of Chicago River and Sierra Club in case in Cook County Circuit Court regarding Trump Tower's illegal operation of water intakes from Chicago River that impact aquatic life

3. Clair v. County Line Swine (2021 L 50) - I represent Socially Responsible Agriculture Project in resisting a burdensome subpoena that was apparently designed to stifle First Amendment rights to oppose a massive hog feeding operation Adams County, Illinois

4. People and Sierra Club and Prairie Rivers Network v. Sugar Camp Energy (22-CH-2) - I represent Plaintiff-intervenors Sierra Club and PRN in case regarding PFAS used to put out a mine fire that has polluted groundwater and surface water.

5. Sierra Club and Prairie Rivers Network v. Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and Williamson Energy (PCB 22-19) - I represent Sierra Club and PRN in appeal of decision by IEPA to grant a NPDES permit to Pond Creek coal mine to pollute the Big Muddy River.

6. Elmwood and Openlands and Sierra Club v. City of Joliet and East Gate-Logistics Park Chicago (2020 CH 590) - I represent Sierra Club in case in Will County Circuit Court challenging annexation by Joliet of land near Midewin Tallgrass Prairie to facilitate construction of a large warehouse complex.

7.Natural Land Institute v. Greater Rockford Airport Authority (N.D. Ill. 21-cv-50410) - I am one of the lawyers in case to prevent destruction of the Bell Bowl Prairie and habitat for the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee.

These are filed matters in which I have filed an appearance. There are also numerous regulatory matters in which I represent clients regarding water pollution and other environmental issues.


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